Tutoring Services
in Grand Rapids, MI and surrounding areas
We are now doing both video and in-person sessions, taking all of the necessary precautions to keep everyone safe.
Through the use of video chat and Google Drive software, we are able to help our students catch up and look ahead during this break from school.
Don’t let this period of homeschooling overwhelm you! Let us help!
Our Diverse Learning Services
Discover Excellence through Personalized Tutoring, Drama, and Dynamic Spanish Classes in Grand Rapids, MI and Surrounding Areas
Find a Tutor That Makes Learning Fun
Find a Tutor That Makes Learning Funprofessional Tutoring Services in Grand Rapids, MI and surrounding areas
At Outside the Box: Creative Tutoring, we believe learning shouldn’t be a chore.
That’s why we work hard to create tutoring programs that will excite and engage your child.
Outside the Box: Creative Tutoring Grand Rapids, Wyoming, Kentwood, East Grand Rapids, Walker, Jenison, Byron Center, Rockford, Holland, Ada, Cascade, Hudsonville and nationwide for Virtual Tutoring can help your child sharpen their skills in:
Language Arts
Social Studies
Call 616-259-0539 as soon as possible with any questions about our tutoring classes and one-on-one tutoring sessions.

Tired of Spending Hours Fussing Over Homework?
in Grand Rapids, MI and surrounding areas
It’s late in the evening and you’re trying to explain a math problem to your child for the fifth time. They’re not understanding and you’re growing more frustrated. If this is a reality in your home every night, turn to Outside the Box: Creative Tutoring LLC. We tutor children in various libraries throughout the greater Grand Rapids, MI area. Our tutors can handle any subject, and we even offer Spanish and ASL lessons to help expand a child’s mind at a young age.
Put your child on the fast track toward academic success. Schedule an appointment with Outside the Box: Creative Tutoring in Grand Rapids, Wyoming, Kentwood, East Grand Rapids, Walker, Jenison, Byron Center, Rockford, Holland, Ada, Cascade, Hudsonville and Nationwide for Virtual Tutoring

A Unique Tutoring Program That’s Perfect for Your Child
We know every child learns differently. That’s why our tutors offer one-of-a-kind classes for every child. We offer tutoring classes for children of all ages.
Whether your child is in kindergarten or 12th grade, you’ll watch them achieve academic success if you choose Outside the Box: Creative Tutoring for tutoring services.
Schedule an appointment with one of our tutors in Grand Rapids, Wyoming, Kentwood, East Grand Rapids, Walker, Jenison, Byron Center, Rockford, Holland, Ada, Cascade, Hudsonville and Nationwide for Virtual Tutoring