American Sign Language (ASL) Lessons
in Grand Rapids, MI and surrounding areas
Learning a Second Language Doesn’t Have to Be Verbal!
American Sign Language (Asl) Tutoring Services in Grand Rapids, MI and surrounding areas
American Sign Language is a fantastic second language to pick up. It bridges the gap with those who are Deaf or hard of hearing. Signing at a young age can also benefit children who are special needs children.
Children that have special needs are able to use American Sign Language communicate with their caregivers and other people. Children that suffer from Down syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy, aphasia and other language delays and impairments have used the ASL system to communicate with others.
Our ASL tutor can work with children of all ages and abilities, even adults, to help them master ASL as a second language. Lacie and Nadia can help with families with one or more members with hearing impairments to bridge the communication gap. Sessions are all done through video sessions and can be scheduled for 30 minutes or longer. Book an appointment with us today at Outside the Box: Creative Tutoring Grand Rapids, Wyoming, Kentwood, East Grand Rapids, Walker, Jenison, Byron Center, Rockford, Holland, Ada, Cascade, Hudsonville and Nationwide for Virtual Tutoring

Nadia Hope
Nadia has grown up with sign language as her first language. She is hard of hearing and wears two hearing aids. She has deaf parents that taught her sign language. She was involved with many of the different deaf clubs events. She also volunteered at Camp Chris William for the Deaf/Hard Of Hearing/Blind/Coda campers since 2016. She has worked with a variety of ages and disabilities. She was always inspired to help other people who are in need or interested in learning the language and culture.
Currently Nadia is a small deaf business owner. She makes her own art and crafts. She makes bath salts with herbs, candles, wire wrapping with crystals, wood crafts and paintings. During her free time Nadia enjoys traveling out of state and going on adventures with her friends. She loves being outdoors and spending time with her family and friends.

Lacie Greene
Lacie was born and raised in Michigan by her deaf parents and had two C.O.D.A. siblings. She grew up in the mainstream schools and graduated from Model Secondary school for the Deaf in Washington D.C. She spent 6 years working with mental health in Florida. Lacie relocated to Austin, Texas, to serve for Texas School for the Deaf for 10 years as a residential educator. She is currently living in McAllen, Texas, to continue her entrepreneurship journey. Lacie enjoys traveling, camping, art crafts, and spending time with her family.