Tutoring Registration

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Parent(s) or Guardian(s) if student is a minor
I understand that the rate for a session is $35/hour and needs to be paid in advance. Payments can be made on the website with PayPal or a credit card. I understand that two hours notice must be received if I need to cancel a session or the session will still be charged. If I am canceling sessions regularly, I understand that my time slot may be given to another student unless I pay for those cancelations to keep my spot.
I give Creative Tutoring permission to use photos and or videos of the student for advertising purposes on the company website, Facebook page, Youtube channel, and other promotional venues
If the student is a minor and sessions are in person, I agree to be on time picking the student up from a session and understand that consistent tardiness will result in additional charges. I understand that my child is being tutored in a public location or my home and will remain on the premises while the tutor works with my child if they are a minor. If I must leave during the session I will provide the tutor with a number to immediately reach me and I agree to financial responsibility should an accident occur.