One-On-One Tutoring
in Grand Rapids, MI and surrounding areas
Our Tutors Provide Undivided Attention
One-On-One Tutoring in Grand Rapids, MI and surrounding areas
If you want to make sure your child gets the personalized assistance they need, visit Outside the Box: Creative Tutoring LLC for one-on-one tutoring. We will cater lessons to fit your child’s learning style and break material down to help the learning last beyond the tests. We offer tutoring classes for children in every grade, from pre-K to 12th grade.
Instead of watching your child struggle through school, schedule one-on-one tutoring with Outside the Box: Creative Tutoring. Call 616-259-0539 now for information about our classes in Grand Rapids, Wyoming, Kentwood, East Grand Rapids, Walker, Jenison, Byron Center, Rockford, Holland, Ada, Cascade, Hudsonville and Nationwide for virtual tutoring

We’re Changing the Tutoring Game
We understand your child doesn’t learn the same way as their peers. To make sure your kid gets the help they need, we create personalized tutoring plans. We can tutor your child in a variety of core subjects, including:
- Science
- History
- Social studies
- Language arts
- Math
- Spanish
It’s late in the evening and you’re trying to explain a math problem to your child for the fifth time. They’re not understanding and you’re growing more frustrated. If this is a reality in your home every night, turn to Outside the Box: Creative Tutoring LLC. We tutor children in various libraries throughout the greater Grand Rapids, MI area. Our tutors can handle any subject, and we even offer Spanish and ASL lessons to help expand a child’s mind at a young age.
Put your child on the fast track toward academic success. Schedule an appointment with Outside the Box: Creative Tutoring in Grand Rapids, Wyoming, Kentwood, East Grand Rapids, Walker, Jenison, Byron Center, Rockford, Holland, Ada, Cascade, Hudsonville and Nationwide for Virtual